Beta Platform User Guide

1. Connecting Wallets

To access the OrdiGen Platform users must first connect their Ethereum based wallet (via either Metamask or Wallet Connect) and Unisat Wallet (this will be the wallet which receives purchased BRC-20 tokens). PLEASE NOTE: THE UNISAT WALLET MUST BE A TAPROOT ADDRESS.

This will reveal the UI and give users access to the platform.

2. Specifying Token to purchase

Next users must specify the BRC-20 token they would like to purchase either by using the list or by providing the token name / ticker.

The OrdiGen platform will then provide users with the cheapest orders currently available for the selected token.

3. Specifying ETH to Spend

Next users must specify the amount of ETH they would like to spend on the token.

4. Selecting an Order

The platform will then present the cheapest orders matching the users purchase size. Users must select the order which best suits their requirements.

5. Confirming your Order

Users will then be presented a final order breakdown as well as confirmation request. Users must review the price, cost and fees and confirm to submit their order.

6. Sign Tx in Unisat and ETH wallets.

Users must then sign the TX through both their Unisat and ETH wallets.

7. Order Processing

The Cross-Chain Swap will then process and a progress UI will display the current status of the transaction. Users may exit this page if they wish and view tx status through the main page.

8. Final Confirmation

Once complete, users will be able to see the 'completed' status against their transaction on the Recent transaction menu on the user dashboard. PLEASE NOTE: Although the tx is completed and technically the assets are secured, the BTC network requires further confirmations before the assets can be accessed and interacted with.

Last updated